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Flessa Brauerei

Flessa Bräu is a small craft brewery in the center of Berlin, the city that had the highest density of breweries worldwide in the 1920’s. Sadly not much of this diversity is left nowadays, though.

For this reason, Flessa Bräu and a few other breweries are reviving the tradition to hand-crafting beer in small plants again. We only use selected raw materials like malt and organic malt from the Weyermann malthouse as well as hops and organic hops grown in different German regions. Together with specific culture yeasts this gives the beers their special taste. Our sales are limited to the regional market for ecological reasons.

The beers are brewed with passion and commitment, each according to special recipes by our brewer Christoph in Berlin’s possibly smallest brewhouse. In our brewing courses you can get a closer look and participate hands-on.

In contrary to most industrial breweries we purposely spare our beer of any filtration, pasteurization or other treatments, so as many valuable contents as possible remain in the beer.

At fermentation we operate in the lower range of each yeast’s fermentation temperature. This prolongs the process a bit, but less fusel substances are formed, which can lead to headaches on the morning after enjoying beer. For beer maturation the same attitude applies – quality above quantity – and so we grant our beers the time they need to become a delight to those who drink them.

Do you want to find out more about our brewery? Contact us!

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