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§ 1 Scope of application

These GTC apply to all deliveries and services of the brewery Flessa Bräu, owner Christoph Flessa, Petersburger Str. 39, 10249 Berlin, Tel. 030/23470831, E-mail: In each case the AGB valid at the time of the conclusion of the contract apply.

§ 2 Conclusion of contract

All offers are always non-binding, in your order lies an offer to conclude a contract. A contract is only concluded if an order is expressly confirmed by us in writing or by e-mail or if we actually render the service without confirming it separately beforehand. For the booking of brewing courses, it shall also apply that the acceptance of the offer by us is subject to the condition precedent of receipt of payment. A right to performance or delivery shall not exist until we have accepted the offer.

§ 3 Transfer of Risk, Postponement of Deadlines

In the event of force majeure, such as operational disruptions, technical failure, illness or incorrect or delayed delivery by our suppliers, for whatever reason and in the event of other obstacles to performance for which we are not responsible, delays or postponements may occur and we may postpone delivery for the duration of the impediment and a reasonable start-up period thereafter. If the obstacle is likely to be permanent, we shall be entitled to refuse delivery of the goods in whole or in part.

§ 4 Prices, retention of title, returnable bottles

1 The prices for our shower seminars are gross prices incl. statutory sales tax. The same applies to beverage prices to consumers and end customers. The wholesale prices are net prices plus statutory value added tax.

Our goods remain the property of the Flessa Bräu Brewery until full payment has been received.

3. deposit bottles, crates and kegs remain the property of the Flessa Bräu Brewery. The customer undertakes to return all returnable bottles, crates and kegs to the Flessa Bräu Brewery without culpable delay after consumption of the contents or to arrange for their return.

§ 5 Brewing courses, tickets and vouchers

cancellation charges

In order to ensure a reasonable planning of our courses, we have to charge for short-term cancellations of booked dates:

14-8 days prior to course start = 25%.
7-3 days before the start of the course = 50%.
2-0 days before course start = 75%.
The originally booked date can be rebooked to another available date by paying the cancellation fee to the account below.

Account details

Account holder: Christoph Flessa
Credit institution: Berliner Sparkasse

Vouchers booked for a specific date will be void if the cancellation fee is not paid.

Cancellation of a course by the organizer

Up to one week before the start of the course, the organiser reserves the right to cancel course dates for which less than 4 participants have registered.
The organizer also reserves the right to cancel a brewing course at short notice due to unforeseen events.
In both cases, the course participants can choose an alternative, available course date. Otherwise your course/voucher fee will be refunded.


Bookings are possible until 1 day before the course starts.
For short-term bookings or other questions, you can reach us by phone at (030) 23 47 08 31.


Unless otherwise agreed, the courses take place at the premises of the Flessa Brewery.

Misconduct of the participants

In case of gross misconduct of a course participant, the organizer is entitled to exclude the respective person from the course as well as to expel him from the venue.
In this case there will be no refund of the payment made.

Course size

The maximum course size is 12 persons, whereby overbooking is possible for up to 14 participants.

Max. Number of participants: 12 pers.
Min. number of participants: 5 pers.
Course content
The design of the course and the content of the topics covered are the responsibility of the respective course instructor.


The current prices for bookings and vouchers are listed on the website. For larger groups or special courses a special offer can be arranged with Flessa Bräu.

Value of a course other than participation in the course

During the course there will be a snack or a corresponding offer from another service provider.
During the course, beers can be served at the student’s own risk.
Please also note the point “Misconduct of the participants”.
When booking a course, participants can pick up 3×0.5l bottles of beer brewed on the day of the course at the Flessa Brewery 6-9 weeks after the course date. Should the beer not be available on the day of the course (e.g. unsuccessful brews, processing errors…), another brewing course beer or a beer from the brewery’s permanent range can be chosen as an alternative. Flessa Bräu accepts no other liability for this.
At the request of a participant, course documents will also be sent to him by e-mail.

Photos and films taken during the course

Photos or film shots of other participants may only be taken after consultation.

§ 6 Terms of payment

If payment is made by means of a payment method offered by PayPal, the payment shall be processed by the payment service provider PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg (hereinafter referred to as “PayPal”), in accordance with the PayPal Terms of Use, available at or – if the customer does not have a PayPal account – in accordance with the Terms of Payment without a PayPal account, available at

§ 7 Terms of Delivery and Shipment

1. the delivery of vouchers takes place on the electronic dispatch way to the E-Mail address indicated by the customer, if nothing else is agreed upon. The e-mail address given in the order processing of the seller is decisive for the processing of the transaction.

§ 8 Cancellation Policy

1. consumers have a right of withdrawal in principle.

2 Further information on the right of revocation can be found in the seller’s revocation instructions.

3 The right of withdrawal does not apply to consumers who do not belong to a member state of the European Union at the time the contract is concluded and whose sole place of residence and delivery address is outside the European Union at the time the contract is concluded.

Alternative Dispute Resolution in accordance with Art. 14 (1) ODR-VO and § 36 VSBG:

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